Healthy snacks

Healthy snacks


We've all been there: Lunch was 2 hours ago. It's 3.30 pm, you've been working since 7am and your energy levels are on the floor. You go to the coffee machine, and if you have half a conscience, you offer to get your colleagues a coffee too. At the drinks machine you have 6 drinks to collect. Your mind is strong and although the chocolate in the vending machine is talking to you, initially you stick by your values and say no to the treat.

After the 5th drink has vended your inner voice says "have the chocolate bar, it'll tie you over till tea time'. -So you do!

Later, that evening, after Dinner you begin to feel bad about having had the bar. Your inner voice is saying- go on, you fu*ked up earlier so eat what you like. You can try again tomorrow!.

At the root of this challenge, is a dip in blood sugar and no plan. In this blog, I will look at how to prevent this happening.

whats happening with blood sugar levels?

On a basic level, low blood sugar levels means low energy. Your blood sugar will peak after meal and drop between meals.

Low blood sugar has many symptoms which include:

-Low energy


-Heightened emotional state


These symptoms and discomforts will mean that your drive to indulge in sugary, processed snacks is much greater than it would be if you had move even blood sugars.

what to do?

Work out your calorie requirements, according to your current goals: 

1. Calorie deficit (weight loss)

2. Weight maintenance

3. Calorie surplus (Weight gain).

For an estimate of your own energy needs CLICK HERE
For example:  A female: Age 55: Height 5ft: Sedentary lifestyle: Weighs 144lbs: Goal weight loss: Calories required to lose weight 1300kcals (using the calculator above creates the deficit).

split these calories into meals:

300 calories for breakfast

200 calories for snacks (split am and pm)

400 for lunch

400 for dinner

1300 TOTAL calories allowed per day

what is the purpose of snacking?

Snacking helps my clients and I avoid high sugar and over processed foods. Snacking well helps to avoid the guilt emotions, attached to these foods too!

what should I snack on?

Food, all foods fit into 3 main categories (these are known as macro nutrients.

Snack builder Three Pillars of Fitness PT.png

Carbohydrate 4 Kcals per g: The ideal carbohydrates are near to their raw state and include fibre. Compared to protein and fat, carbohydrate is the easiest food for your body to convert to energy.

The fibre found in carbs help to slow down digestion, this increases satisfaction. It also helps to release energy over time. The most valuable carbohydrates are fruits and vegetables: 4 calories per gram.

Protein: 4 Kcals per gram: Snack containing protein, challenge the body to raise it's temperature to digest them. Called thermogenesis, this process takes time and increases satisfaction. Metabolising protein is a complex process for your body, also which requires energy.

Fat: 9 Kcals per gram
Fats are an important part of the diet too. A large part of a diet can be fat, be aware that as these foods contain twice the energy of protein and carbohydrate.

A simple and nutritious, snack could include a small amount of protein or fat (these are very satisfying and fill us up). Add to this an unprocessed Carbohydrate (fruit or vegetable or grain). These tend high volume, low energy foods and means we get a large amount of food for a relatively small amount of calories.

high / low snacking strategy

Using the calorie needs for our example client, a snack could be 3 long lengths of celery and 2 tsp of peanut butter (no added salt or sugar)= 95 calories. This example is also a winner as it’s 1. quick, 2. easy and 3. doesn't need a fridge for safe storage-I call this a triple win!

To calculate the calories in my food I use to create food logs
CLICK HERE to take a look.

In summary: 

Combining macro nutrients as above helps with satiety, so you are less likely to eat in a reactive way. Planning snacks is key, so that when you are tempted to stray you have a nutritious alternative to hand. Use the basic snack builder here, to twin macro nutrients which you enjoy- Keep an eye on portions and ensure that the volume of snack eaten is in line with your calorie requirements and goal: Weight loss, maintenance or gain.

The list is for inspiration purposes- other snacks, do exist!

If you struggle to make your snacks healthy, get in contact today and let me help you to conquer your health goals.

Until next time, Andy x

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